What ayurveda has to offer against COVID-19 ??

What ayurveda has to offer against COVID-19.??

What ayurveda has to offer against COVID-19

 CORONA Virus infection has become a social and economic threat due its global impact. Recently, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi put his visit to Belgium on hold. Travel plans are being cancelled, tourism is hit.

The first Corona virus was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China. It has now spread in a significant way to Iran, Italy and South Korea with cases being reported in the U.S. and India as well. On March 12 , 2020 The WHO declared COVID-19 to be PANDEMIC.

In “COVID-19” - “CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘“VI’ for ‘virus, ‘D’ for disease. WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a "public health emergency of international concern" The declaration was primarily due to concern that the virus could blowout to countries with weaker health systems. Reference

This article does not claim to offer a cure for those infected by coronavirus but believes that if one follows the Yogic and Ayurvedic way, it builds immunity and reduces kapha. Thus, makes the body less susceptible to be affected by coronavirus.

Is it a contagious disease and how does it spread?

It is not an air borne disease. However, it is a communicable virus spread easily through air with mucus droplets secreted from respiratory track & mucus when an infected patient coughs, sneezes, breathes or talks.

Who should be more careful?

Medical doctors and staff need to be more vigilant while dealing such cases since they are prone to be affected. Low immunity patients like small children, pregnant woman and old people are likely to be affected.

Signs & symptoms

Corona virus affects both animals and human beings. It displays wide range of symptoms of respiratory to nervous system like common cold, pneumonia, and giddiness. It affects the respiratory system and makes it fail. In severe cases vital organs like heart, liver & brain functions could be affected.

It takes two to fourteen days for symptoms to appear after one is affected by Coronavirus. So what are typical signs and symptoms?

Respiratory system- Sore Throat, Cough, Headache, Breathlessness, Tiredness, Running Nose. Critical cases been detected as respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure.

Digestive system - Vomiting Diarrhoea with Abdomen Pain.

Muscular system - Fatigue, body ache.

Lymphatic or Immune system - Fever.

Nervous system - Coronavirus causes demyelination in central nervous system & impaired coordination of brain & body. Source

Mild cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold. However, people may unknowingly pass the virus even before they develop symptoms.

General Precautionary measures

Prevention is always better than cure in such epidemic threats. Guidelines provided by WHO & Local Public health care sectors are -

1. Washing your hands frequently at least for 20 seconds.

2. Avoid touching hands on face.

3. Avoid travelling if not an emergency.

4. Use mask if you travel or are going in a public place.

5. Avoid getting panicky and spreading rumours about the disease.

Do Ayurveda & Yoga have solution to deal with this disease?

Ayurveda & Yoga have always focused on prevention before treatment. As per traditional science, one needs to work on the inner immunity system while taking external precautions.


According to Ayurveda, Corono virus disturbs equilibrium of Vata and Kapha dosha. Hence, it recommends Pitta vardhak (stimulating pitta until it balances Kapha & Vata dosha) diet and lifestyle. Food changes, as suggested below, can help restore these functions back in the body.

a. Eat vegetables like Fenugreek. It absorbs abnormal kapha.

b. Add Spices in food for e.g. garlic, ginger, turmeric to stimulate taste & assimilation

c. Drink turmeric powder and milk.

d. Eat fruits like papaya oranges and lemons.

e. Avoid cold drinks, ice-creams and cold food.

Rasayana herbs like Aswagandha, Giloya kwath, Dashmul kwath improves internal immunity.

The following Ayurvedic medicines must be taken (based on expert guidance) ie Draksharishta, Sitopaladi Churna, Yashtimadhu with honey, Talisadi churna with honey and Khadiradi vati (chewable tablets).

Ayurveda Therapy

Abhyanga - Oil massage all over body helps improve blood circulation and stimulates parasympathetic nervous system. The calming effect brings balance in metabolism.

Herbal steam - Herbal fomentations to detoxify fats and lighten body, increases digestive fire and thereafter metabolism.

Nasya - It cleans the nasal track and sinuses, developing immunity.

Niyama - To maintain personal conducts as per guidelines.

Shauch - Personal and environmental cleanliness to be maintained. Clean vegetables properly and drink boiled water.

Svadhyay- Be aware of the symptoms of disease, introspect and seek immediate medical help.

Diet - Eat Satvik and vegetarian food as much as possible. According to this Times of India article it is safe to eat seafood in India as no link between seafood and coronavirus has been established, scientists are still exploring the link between bat, snake and coronavirus, “The only thing that you need to take care of is that the meat has been hygienically cooked and should not be raw, which is the best way to prevent any disease transmitted through animal meat.”

Lifestyle- Stay stress free, in warm regions, walk regularly and sleep well.

Yoga Asanas

The lymphatic system strengthens due to numerous twisting and bending postures. It is important to drain out secretions from lymph glands in the body.

Shashankasan- In sitting posture, forward bending drains lymph toxins out from the body properly and improves immunity.

Padahastana- In standing posture, forward bending drains lymph toxins from the body properly and enhances circulation. Similarly, Paschimottanasana helps to expand chest posteriorly.

Sarvangasana - In supine posture raise legs and body upwards till shoulder region. This drains lower limb toxins out from body and reduces pressure on lower body.

Matsyasana - After Saravangasana do fish pose. This helps as complementary postures bring equanimity and take care of other parts of the body like neck.

Dhanurasana - In prone posture (lying on the abdomen) twisting both the legs and hands backward, resembling body like bow. Similarly many backward bending asana like bhujangasana (snake pose), Ushtrasana (camel pose) improve volume, strength and elasticity of chest cavity & muscles.

Shuddhi kriya

Jala neti- Cleanses the respiratory pathway, hence removes the entered virus or bacterial infections. Salt water scraps the track and improves breathing afterward oxygenation. After Jalaneti, one should do Kapalbhati or forceful exhalation to eliminate stagnated water in the sinuses.

Vamandhauti - This is yogic cleaning of digestive track.

Kapalbhati - It is yogic cleansing of sinus.

Pranayama is a systematic yogic approach that tackles breathing and mind concurrently. It enhances and repairs respiratory apparatus thereby making neuroendocrine mechanism efficient. It must be done under direction of experts with 10-20 rounds twice a day.

Lom vilom Pranayam - Alternate Nostril Breathing cleans the internal energy channels and respiratory system more competently. It channelizes and balances neuroendocrine functions, thereby improving immunity.

Bhastrika - Forceful inhalation and exhalation.

Suryabhedan Pranayama - Right nostril inhalation and left nostril exhalation.

Please note - avoid Pranayama which brings cool effects like Sheetali & Sitkari pranayama and do pranayama which brings warm effects like Suryabhedan and Bhastrika pranayama.

Meditation- It is recommended to meditate in a meditative posture. It gives adequate space to the chest and spine and results in a healthy breathing process. Healthy breathing brings mental cleansing.

Finally, we need to respect Mother Earth and follow Ishavraranidhan which means, to surrender self towards the celestial power for the benefits of humanity.

Finally, we must offer Collective Prayers to heal the world and recapture the power of health and wellness back.

Note– In case any reader chooses to follow the suggestions referred to in this article, they must do so after taking expert advice. This article is being shared to let people know that Yog and Ayurved can increase immunity levels and reduce the probability of being affected by coronavirus.

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    • Respiratory symptoms
    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
    In more severe cases infection can cause
    • Pneumonia
    • Severe acute respiratory syndrome
    • Kidney failure
    • Death


    • It improves immunity
    • Protects us from fever like symptoms
    • Balances the dosha

    2-2 afternoon and evening
    • Rejuvenates our body
    • Balances and improves body cellular metabolism

    • Very good rejuvenating drug for respiratory area.

    • Nasyam
    • Abhyangam
    • Other Panchakarma Treatments

    Above therapies help you balance doshas and improve immunity
    For further assistance on helping build your immunity visit nearby Birla ayurveda center.

    • Keep yourself and the surrounding hygienic and clean.
    • Wash your hands regularly
    • Avoid junk food/roadside food.
    • Have half boiled water throughout the day
    • Eat cooked food, avoid raw food and vegetables
    • Avoid refrigerated and preserved food items.
    • Do daily dhoop of kadva neem leaves in the office/house as it serves as natural disinfectant.

    For more information: http://birlaayurveda.co.in/
