तत्र दोष हरणम् ऊर्ध्वभागम् , वमन संज्ञकम ।।

Process of removing doshas through the upper part of body is called VAMANA.

Vamana Karma, also known as medical emesis or medical vomiting, is one of the five Pradhana Karmas of Panchakarma which is used in treating Kaphaj disorders.
It is a type of controlled vomiting.

There are two types of treatments in AYURVEDA 
1) One in which excess Doshas are suppressed inside the body2) In which the  Doshas are expelled outside the body.

PANCHKARMA is a process targeting the 2nd point.


Vamana is targeted to expel increased Kapha Dosha out of the body. When Kapha dosha gets aggravated, it causes certain types of diseases – such as cold, cough etc.
By expelling it out, the disease gets cured, often completely. Since Kapha is situated in the chest region, expelling it from the oral route is very easy. Hence, Vamana treatment is designed. To expel it out, first the Kapha Dosha needs to be forcefully brought from the shakhas (organs) into the stomach, and then vomiting is induced.

Before Vamana therapy

Before Vamana therapy, some pachaan medicine such as Trikatu churna, Chitrakaadi vati is given for 3 days to increase digestive power.
Then you may be asked to drink a specific type of ghee or oil for 3 – 7 days depending upon the type of your body. This process of drinking ghee is called as Snehakarma or oleation therapy.
On 8th day and 9th day you are given massage with a specific oil. 
On 8th night patient is given kapha aggravating diet such as maash khichadi with ghee and curd.

Summary - 3-7 days snehapana with light diet.8th day massage and 8th night heavy diet.9th day massage and VAMANA procedure.

Administration of Vamana medicines

The patient is made sure that he has slept well the previous night.
Patient is made sure that his previous food is well digested
He is maintained on empty stomach.
The aged, children, the debilitated, VIPs and cowards, should be made to drink wine, milk, sugarcane juice or meat juice added with honey and Saindhava salt, appropriate to the disease, to their maximum capacity.
Determining the nature the nature of his bowels (Intestines – Koshta), the emetic drug is administered.
The physician should administer a dose of the decoction  (Kashaya) of the fruit of Madanaphala (Randia dumetorum Lam). Along with Honey, Rock salt, Phanita ( a preparation of Sugar cane juice) and the  powder of Madhuka– (Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra)

After the VAMANA procedure SANSARJANA KARMA is advised to be followed.

Persons suitable for Vamana procedure – 

People suffering with-fever of recent origin,diarrhea, dysenteryPitta imbalance in lower part of abdomenBleeding disorder due to Pitta imbalancecough, cold, Asthma, chronic Respiratory disorder,skin diseases, with itching and burning sensation such as herpesdiabetes, urinary tract disordersGoiter, tumour, fibroid, thyroid disordersElephantiasis, FilariasisSchizophreniaShwasa – Chronic Respiratory tract disease,indigestion, continuous nausea, Anorexia, lack of taste,Vitiated breast milkKapha disorders affecting neck, ear, nose eyes, and throatobesityAnemiaheaviness of the bodyeruption of pimples, urticaria, itchinglethargy, laziness, lack of inclination for work, lack of co-ordination in sense organs,Fatigue, Weakness, tiredness without any reason.Foul smell of the body,sleeplessness or excessive sleep,drowsiness, weak sense organs,impotency,loss of strength and complexion in spite of the intake of nutritious diet.
Advantages of Vamana

  • It cures from diseases.
  • It increases the digestive power.
  • Increases virility and slows down the ageing process.
  • Gives strength to the body.

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